NATO, Nukes, and Nazis 2
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a partir de 12 aos unos 30 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 2 jugadores mximos

En la Tienda MasQueOca existen varios estados en los que puede estar un juego:
En stock: el juego est actualmente en nuestros almacenes y disponible para su envo. (*) Últimas unidades: tenemos en stock unas pocas unidades del juego bien por tratarse de una oferta especial en precio o porque el editor ya ha agotado las unidades de las que dispona y de momento no tiene previsto hacer una reimpresin. (**)
Precompra: el juego tiene una fecha aproximada de recepcin por nuestra parte indicada en la ficha del juego y se proceder al envo del pedido en cuanto lo recibamos.Atencin, las precompras no son reembolsables!

P500:el juego no ha sido todava editado, pero se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder tenerlo asegurado cuando se edite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando el juego alcance el nmero de reservas necesarias o por decisin editorial pasar al estado Precompra.
Disponible Bajo Demanda: el juego no est en este momento en nuestros almacenes, pero en principio estamos esperando su reposicin por parte del proveedor. El tiempo de reposicin aproximado para un juego nacional es de 1 semana y para un juego de importacin suele ser de 3/4 semanas, pudiera ser que recibamos la reposicin antes o que en el caso de la importacin se demore por causas ajenas a nuestra voluntad. (***) Atencin, las compras bajo demanda de juegos de importacin no son reembolsables!
Pendiente de Primera Edicin: el juego no ha sido todava editado, pero se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder tenerlo asegurado cuando se edite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando tengamos una fecha aproximada de recepcin el juego pasar al estado Precompra. Agotado / Pendiente de Reedicin: el juego se encuentra agotado por el fabricante y est preparando una reedicin. El juego se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder recibir la informacin del mismo en el momento que se reedite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando tengamos una fecha de recepcin el juego pasar a Precompra.
Oportunidades: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Las Oportunidades son juegos que o bien han sufrido algn desperfecto en la caja o bien han sido abiertos por alguna razn (comprobaciones de control de calidad, etc), pero que su contenido est perfecto. Es decir, son juegos que contienen todo lo necesario para poder jugarlo. No se remitirn fotos especficas del estado de las cajas, a todos los efectos se debe considerar como si se comprase el juego sin caja y sin inserto, aunque la gran mayora de las veces son desperfectos sin importancia. Estos juegos, dada la naturaleza de los mismos, no admiten devoluciones. Chollos: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Los chollos son juegos nuevos a estrenar que ofrecemos a precios especiales. La oferta est limitada en el tiempo y a las unidades que se pongan en oferta, una vez se retiren de la seccin de Chollos su precio volver a ser el estndar.
Descatalogado: el juego ha sido descatalogado por el fabricante por lo que en principio no se espera ninguna reimpresin. No obstante, en contadas ocasiones, un fabricante decide volver a imprimir un juego. No es posible adquirir el juego, pero s reservarlo. Si tenemos constancia de una reimpresin y una fecha aproximada de recepcin, pasar a Precompra.
(*) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(**) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible bajo demanda a precio normal o a descatalogado y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(***) Salvo que al solicitar la reposicin al editor nos comunique que el juego est descatalogado o pendiente de reimpresin. Lo que se comunicar por correo electrnico en cuanto tengamos conocimiento.

NATO, Nukes, and Nazis 2

The successor to XTRs classic NATO, Nukes, and Nazis, this new version is a "What If" two-map mini-monster wargame set during the late-1980s in an alternative universe in which the Nazi regime survived World War II and is set to start World War III.

Here is designer Ty Bombas introduction to the game:

The genesis of this game came about in the May 1979 (no. 44) issue of Moves magazine, when Richard Berg quit his job at old-SPI because he couldnt get any of his new game design proposals through their feedback voting system. Since I was the guy who, a few years prior, had given them the idea of selecting their games in that way, I couldnt help but be amused.

At any rate, Richard lamented hed been told the only titles making the voting cutoff had either "NATO, nukes or Nazis" central in their play. He therefore intuited the most hotly sought after game of all time would be one that prominently included all three of those elements.

I carried that idea around in my head until 1990 when--whole cloth--the required generating conditions for such a scenario jumped to the forward edge of my consciousness. As things were that year, I was already involved in so many other projects I didnt have the time to do more than write the alternative history narrative that set the stage. Then, in conversation with Joseph Miranda, it quickly became obvious he got it in the full sense of that phrase. He accepted the design assignment, and the result was a game that has lived in both fame and infamy ever since.

Now the time has come around for me to take my whack at it. This isnt in anyway to repudiate Josephs earlier effort--I was delighted by it then and still am today. This is about me having a whack at it.

Each turn of play equals half a week of real time. Each hexagon on both maps represents 20 miles (32.5 km) from side to opposite side. The system is based around the central idea that large First World armies (as well as those from elsewhere that have been trained and equipped to try to perform like First World armies) almost always begin major wars seemingly well prepared. Unfortunately for those in their front-line units, both the training and equipment usually only make them ready for the previous war, not the one theyre about to fight. Beyond that, the initial period of such wars is characterized by only a partially abandoned peacetime psychology among the officers and enlisted. That is, no one as yet appreciates what it means operatively to be in an all-out war. All that comes together to give overall performance high-risk, volatile and fragile qualities: no one as yet really knows whats actually possible or wise to try to accomplish. Seemingly powerful units therefore easily become "disrupted"--especially as gauged in relation to similar units performances later, after everyones been thoroughly schooled in the art of war as it exists in the present. The system therefore doesnt play--when looked at on a step by step basis--in a way common to division-level simulations. The whole thing has a "Go" like quality to it. The commander will succeed best who--rather than reacting to or launching operations opportunistically one at a time--plans his campaign and then campaigns on that plan. Of course, we all know its also true "no plan survives first contact with the enemy." So, even as you plan, you must do so while leaving within your overall scheme at least some capacity for opportunism. Strategy is not simple; it is complex.

The initiating change to history behind this game is as follows. Early in the spring of 1943, one of the historically failed assassination plots attempted against Hitler during that period actually succeeded. In short, that allowed the German high command to go over to a fully rationalized defense at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. Long story short: the Third Reich survived WW2 in truncated form (see the maps). The new rulers in Berlin soon thereafter set in place their own "Warsaw Pact," an alliance among Germany, the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Balkan countries north of Greece. The Allies reacted by creating NATO, which rump-Russia eagerly joined. By 1980, the same kind of rot that afflicted the USSR in our timeline began to set in within the Third Reich. Here, though, instead of initiating a German version of Perestroika and Glasnost, those ruling in Berlin decided to roll the dice on one all-out and final war for global domination. This game presents that war (or at least the two main theaters within it).

The components to a complete boxed game of NNN2 include rules, two map-sheets, and three sheets of die-cut counters (also called "units" and "unit counters"). Dice and charts and tables are also included.