Decision At Kasserine: Rommels Last Chance, Designer Signature Edition
97,9 € - 17% = 81,25
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a partir de 12 aos unos 300 minutos 1 jugadores mnimos 4 jugadores mximos
a partir de 12 aos unos 300 minutos 1 jugadores mnimos 4 jugadores mximos

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Decision At Kasserine: Rommels Last Chance, Designer Signature Edition

Decision at Kasserine: Rommels Last Chance, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Vance von Borries first published in 1983, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Hailed by many as of the premier entry in the popular Battles for North Africa series, this two-player operational level simulation covers the WWII German and Italian offensive in central Tunisia which took place in mid-February 1943.

This edition of Decision at Kasserine features a super-sized map and counters and is another Classic Reborn! by Compass.

On the morning of February 19, the Germans launched their attack through the Kasserine Pass. Heavy damage was inflicted on the Allied forces, causing the Allies to retreat 50 miles. Despite these losses and setbacks, Allied forces and reserves managed to regroup and hold on February 22, launching a massive artillery attack to halt the German advances. Faced with his own overextended supply lines and an Allied force that was now being reinforced, Rommel withdrew and ordered all Axis units to concentrate on defending the German-held coastal areas. Had the German-Italian army succeeded, the war in North Africa would have been lengthened, thus possibly delaying the Allied invasion of Europe.This offensive was the last major Axis effort which offered a realistic chance to reverse their fortunes in North Africa.

This Designer Signature edition of the classic Vance von Borries game goes beyond a mere culmination of the forward strides made with subsequent games published in the series; it now features a major update to the game system that will be implemented in future game releases of the popular Battles for North Africa series. In terms of superior physical presentation, all aspects have been upgraded, including super-sized components; larger game map and 5/8" counters. Some of the enhancements made in this edition include:

Super-sized components feature 5/8 counters and two game maps with large hexes
Game map information is updated and includes all-new map artwork
Supporting charts convey more information at a glance for ease of play
Enhanced ergonomics are built into the set up and reinforcement charts
Updated the Order of Battle based on new information and analysis
Fixed the original deployment and OoB based on archival information
The rules treatment is all-new with a full re-write backed by many illustrations, an index, and clarifications and examples of play to reduce potential questions. Some rules were simplified, others enhanced.
Redesigned treatment on air units, armor bonus, and strongpoints in combat and a clarified treatment on the artillery rules
New rules cover infiltration movement, combat evasion and retreat options
New optional rules cover mountain units, certain reinforcements, Allied artillery concentrations, and considerable Allied command problems
Many all-new historical notes can be found throughout the rules presentation
Three new scenarios have been added