83,5 € - 15% = 70,95 €

83,5 € - 15% = 70,95 €


En la Tienda MasQueOca existen varios estados en los que puede estar un juego:
En stock: el juego est actualmente en nuestros almacenes y disponible para su envo. (*) | Últimas unidades: tenemos en stock unas pocas unidades del juego bien por tratarse de una oferta especial en precio o porque el editor ya ha agotado las unidades de las que dispona y de momento no tiene previsto hacer una reimpresin. (**) |
Precompra: el juego tiene una fecha aproximada de recepcin por nuestra parte indicada en la ficha del juego y se proceder al envo del pedido en cuanto lo recibamos.Atencin, las precompras no son reembolsables!
P500:el juego no ha sido todava editado, pero se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder tenerlo asegurado cuando se edite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando el juego alcance el nmero de reservas necesarias o por decisin editorial pasar al estado Precompra. |
Disponible Bajo Demanda: el juego no est en este momento en nuestros almacenes, pero en principio estamos esperando su reposicin por parte del proveedor. El tiempo de reposicin aproximado para un juego nacional es de 1 semana y para un juego de importacin suele ser de 3/4 semanas, pudiera ser que recibamos la reposicin antes o que en el caso de la importacin se demore por causas ajenas a nuestra voluntad. (***) Atencin, las compras bajo demanda de juegos de importacin no son reembolsables! |
Pendiente de Primera Edicin: el juego no ha sido todava editado, pero se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder tenerlo asegurado cuando se edite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando tengamos una fecha aproximada de recepcin el juego pasar al estado Precompra. | Agotado / Pendiente de Reedicin: el juego se encuentra agotado por el fabricante y est preparando una reedicin. El juego se puede reservar sin compromiso para poder recibir la informacin del mismo en el momento que se reedite. No es posible adquirirlo todava pero s reservarlo. Cuando tengamos una fecha de recepcin el juego pasar a Precompra. |
Oportunidades: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Las Oportunidades son juegos que o bien han sufrido algn desperfecto en la caja o bien han sido abiertos por alguna razn (comprobaciones de control de calidad, etc), pero que su contenido est perfecto. Es decir, son juegos que contienen todo lo necesario para poder jugarlo. No se remitirn fotos especficas del estado de las cajas, a todos los efectos se debe considerar como si se comprase el juego sin caja y sin inserto, aunque la gran mayora de las veces son desperfectos sin importancia. Estos juegos, dada la naturaleza de los mismos, no admiten devoluciones. | Chollos: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Los chollos son juegos nuevos a estrenar que ofrecemos a precios especiales. La oferta est limitada en el tiempo y a las unidades que se pongan en oferta, una vez se retiren de la seccin de Chollos su precio volver a ser el estndar. |
Descatalogado: el juego ha sido descatalogado por el fabricante por lo que en principio no se espera ninguna reimpresin. No obstante, en contadas ocasiones, un fabricante decide volver a imprimir un juego. No es posible adquirir el juego, pero s reservarlo. Si tenemos constancia de una reimpresin y una fecha aproximada de recepcin, pasar a Precompra. |
(**) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible bajo demanda a precio normal o a descatalogado y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(***) Salvo que al solicitar la reposicin al editor nos comunique que el juego est descatalogado o pendiente de reimpresin. Lo que se comunicar por correo electrnico en cuanto tengamos conocimiento.
American Tank Ace: Europe 1944-45 The Second World War has dragged on for 5 years. D-Day marks the Allies promise kept to the Soviet Union in opening a second front. American armor fared reasonably well in North Africa against second line German and Italian tanks, but in Normandy they faced Panthers for the first time and received quite the shock. The German tanks were severely outnumbered but exacted a terrible toll on the mostly Sherman tanks of the U.S. Army. Fortunately, the Arsenal of Democracy had been hard at work continuously improving and upgrading the Sherman tanks, and improved versions were delivered to the frontline units as the war continued. Sherman tank commanders, however, start just after the Normandy Invasion and are out-gunned and out-armored as they fight to end the Nazi threat to humanity. American Tank Ace: 1944-45 is a solitaire, tactical level game that places you in command of a U.S. tank during World War II in the European Theater of Operations. You will make the tactical decisions a tank commander faced and control the actions of your crew, while trying to survive. You will be assigned missions to attack, defend, or conduct movement to contact depending on the current tactical situation. As time progresses and players survive, they may use the experience gained to improve their odds of success by purchasing skills. As their prestige increases, they may request improved versions of the Sherman tank when they suffer the loss of their previous tank. Awards and promotions help to narrate the players eventual goal - to survive the war and help defeat Nazi Germany. Players will find it extremely challenging to survive an entire tour from June 1944 to April 1945, at which time the game ends. You will start with one of the tank models available to the Army the start of the game, but as your fame and prestige rise, more advanced tanks will be available to choose from. The system is packed with rich technical detail based on the actual tanks used by U.S. forces. The five double-sided Tank Display Mats (10 different tanks) provided correspond to each tank type available to the player. This mat helps track the status of your tank and systems, including available weapons and ammunition at your disposal. The available tanks are: M4 Sherman M4A1 M4A1 (76), M4A1 (76) W, M4A1 (76) W (with HVSS) M4A3E2 Jumbo (both 75 and 76 versions) M4A3E8 Easy Eight M26 Pershing Game play moves quickly, following a set sequence of events that are repeated until the end of the game. Once you have your initial tank and commander, play proceeds by rolling for a mission and conducting it. Sometimes youll be assigned to attack, defend, conduct a movement to contact, assault a prepared enemy, or even sit out while waiting for supplies. Enemy forces range from Penal units all the way up to SS and Fallschirmjaeger and are randomly generated, ensuring no two careers will ever be the same. Combat is swift and sometimes deadly, as almost all of the German tanks, SPGs, and AT guns can penetrate you. Terrain and weather also have an impact on operations, as well as smoke. Players must pay attention to hull down status, the orientation of their hull and turret, and decide when it is prudent to button up. Artillery and mortar fire can sometimes support either side, and random events will add to the uncertainty of combat. When each mission is completed, assuming you have survived, you will ascertain if any awards have been earned or experience points gained. Promotion is also possible, which has the advantage of allowing for artillery and mortar support. You may also upgrade your tank if you have sufficient Prestige to get a better model, otherwise, you continue to fight in your starting tank until it is knocked out. This game has some similarities to the old classic Pattons Best but the combat system is completely different and lends itself to faster, more streamlined play. A typical mission can be performed in 10 minutes or less, allowing for quick set up and take down when short gaming sessions are all that are available to you. While Amercan Tank Ace is designed as a solitaire gaming experience, additional options for play are provided for both multi-player cooperative and competitive gaming sessions. American Tank Ace: 1944-45 is meant to be a highly playable and interesting solitaire game covering the actions a tank commander would have to deal with in Europe. Complexity: Medium Time Scale: 3-4 days per turn Map Scale: abstract Unit Scale: individual tank, weapon systems, crew members, ammo rounds Players: 1 (with option for 2 or more) Solitaire: High Playing Time: 2-3 hours Components: 1 Countersheet of 9/16" unit-counters 10 Tank Display Mats (double-sided, 5 total) 4 Player Aid Cards 2 Crew Status Displays (double-sided, 1 total) 1 Battle board (Operations Display Mat) 11" x 17" 1 Mission logsheet (double-sided) 1 Rulebook Game Credits: Designer: Gregory M. Smith Project Director: John Kranz