Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
Alsace 1945. Como cualquier organizacin moribunda, el rgimen nazi dio sus ltimos coletazos contra sus enemigos a finales de 1944 y principio de 1945. La accin ms famosa, la Batalla de las Ardenas, es el centro de otro juego de Avalanche Press: Am ... Leer más
Battles of 1866: Blood and Iron
As war loomed over Germany in the early summer of 1866, Bavaria aligned itself with Austria against Prussia and armed for war. The Bavarian chief of staff, Ludwig Freiherr von der Tann, met with the Austrian leadersh ... Leer más
Defiant Russia, Players Edition
In the early morning hours of June 22nd, 1941, Axis armies German, Romanian and Finnish launched a sneak attack on the Soviet Union, touching off the greatest conflict in human history. Millions of men fought and ... Leer más
Fleets of the Second Great War V1: Imperial Germany
In November 1916, newly-reelected U.S. President Woodrow Wilson attempted to negotiate an end to the First World War. He failed, and the war went on for two more years, killing millions and ... Leer más
Great War at Sea High Seas Fleet Second Edition
During the brief period between 1906 and 1914, so the story goes, Britain and Germany engaged in a furious naval arms race sparked by the launch of the Royal Navys revolutionary battleship Dreadnough ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Jutland Dogger Bank
The 1916 Battle of Jutland was not the only action on the North Sea during the Great War. The battle cruisers of Britains Grand Fleet and Germanys High Seas Fleet met in the February 1915 Battle of Dogger Bank ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Rise of the Dragon
In 1907, the Imperial Chinese Navy proposed a new building program to provide three regional fleets, each built around a new modern battleship. Two years later a naval commission headed by the Regents bro ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Russo-Japanese War Playbook Edition
Japan entered the modern age in 1868, with a new young emperor determined to make his island nation a world power. After decades of steady progress, Japan began its own practice of colonialism, d ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: South China Sea
Fleets are usually built with one purpose in mind: to protect their owners maritime trade, and deny such trade to their nations enemies. The United States and Great Britain gave great thought to how they would pr ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Red
"We would as soon fight the British as the Germans."
Admiral William Shepherd Benson, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, 1917
Rivalry between the U.S. and Great Britain didnt end with the War of ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Scarlet. En las primeras dcadas del siglo 20, la Marina estadounidense hizo proyectos para luchar con muchos enemigos potenciales. Plan Rojo, la estrategia para guerra con Gran Bretaa, incluye subproyectos para confl ... Leer más
Infantry Attacks: Franz Josefs Armies
Austria-Hungary went to war in 1914 with three separate regular armies. Along with the Imperial and Royal, or Common, Army, each half of the Dual Monarchy fielded its own regular forces as well: the A ... Leer más
Jutland: Battle Analysis
More ink has been spilled over the Battle of Jutland than any other naval battle in history. Jutland: Battle Analysis adds to that overload with a look not only at the Battle of Jutland, but the events before and aft ... Leer más
Napoleonic Battles: Austerlitz. En diciembre de 1805, el Emperador Napolen I comand unos 67.000 hombres contra unos 75.000 rusos y austracos cerca de Brunn (actual Brno) en Bohemia, parte de la actual Repblica Checa. El campo de batalla, dividido ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier Iron Curtain: Red and White
Shortly after the Allies jointly vanquished Nazi terror, the former partners settled into two mutually opposing camps and began a four-decade-long Cold War. At the heart of that protracted struggle lay t ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier. Kursk: Burning Tigers Playbook Edition
In June 1943, Germany tossed the dice on a massive armored offensive on the Eastern Front. Led by nine newly re-equipped panzer divisions and two panzer grenadier divisions, the northern wing ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: 1940 The Fall of France Playbook Ed
In the spring of 1940, the French Army appeared invincible. They awaited the expected German offensive with great confidence, ready to repel their ancient foes and overwhelm them in 1941 ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Alaskas War. En junio de 1942, tropas japonesas desembarcaron en las Islas Aleutianas Occidentales de Alaska, la nica invasin extranjera de suelo estadounidense a gran escala desde 1815.
En mayo de 1943 los americanos invadiero ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Broken Axis The Invasion of Romania, 1944
Having driven the Hitlerite invaders out of Soviet Ukraine, the Red Army turned its sights on Axis-allied Romania in the spring of 1944. Powerful mechanized armies were met by German and R ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Campaigns and Commanders: The Kings Officers
Shepherd British and Italian officers through the Second World War with the latest installment in our Campaigns and Commanders series. Panzer Grenadier: Campaigns and Commanders is a se ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Carpathian Brigade
Formed from exiles escaping the Nazi conquest of the homeland, the Polish Carpathian Brigade entered the front lines in the summer of 1941 in the hellish cauldron of Tobruk. Fending off Axis attacks, they joine ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Conquest of Ethiopia
Every man must report for war. Those who do not will be killed.
- Emperor Haile Selassie, mobilization decreee, September 1935
Without the formality of a declaration of war, in October 1935 I ... Leer más
Desde el rtico a Creta, desde el Cucaso a Noruega, las tropas de montaa de Alemania combatieron en prcticamente todos los frentes. Ya puedes sumar estas tropas de elite a tus partidas de Panzer Grenadier. Mdulo con 24 nuevos escenarios, 70 fichas ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Edelweiss (Second Edition)
Desde el rtico hasta Creta, del Cucaso a Noruega, las tropas alemanas de montaa lucharon en casi todos los frentes excepto el Norte de frica, acumulando un impresionante historial militar (y algn cr ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Go for Broke
Fighting for dear old Uncle Sam
Go for broke, we dont give a damn
In February 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the first of a series of executive orders that would send over 100,000 Amer ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Grossdeutschland 1944
As Germanys beaten armies stumbled back out of the Soviet Union, Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland fought to drive back Soviet advances and seal off enemy breakthroughs. As defeat loomed, the divisi ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Hopeless, But Not Serious. Cul es la diferencia entre un austriaco y un alemn?
Un alemn, da la respuesta Vienesa, dice que una situacin es seria, pero no desesperada, un austriaco en la misma situacin desesperada, pero no se ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Iron Curtain. En los aos inmediatamente posteriores a la derrota de la Alemania nazi, algunos lderes aliados pensaban que la guerra entre las dos superpotencias supervivientes no solo era inevitable, si no que llegara muy pronto. ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Iron Wolves
Hunting in the forests of Lithuania, Grand Duke Gediminas lay down to sleep and had a dream. An iron wolf was howling on the top of the hill under which his party camped. Returning home, he consulted Lithuanias high p ... Leer más
Panzer Grenadier: Jungle Fighting. Este suplemento para el sistema Panzer Grenadier nos presenta el papel del Ejrcito de los EEUU en la lucha contra los japoneses, mientras que el juego Semper Fi: Guadalcanal nos llevaba con los Marines a Henderson F ... Leer más