Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
Amateurs, to Arms!
En el 200 Aniversario de la desafortunada invasin de Canad por EEUU, Clash of Arms presenta Amateurs, to Arms!
Se trata de una simulacin histrica de la Guerra de 1812, jugable en 3 horas o menos. Un jugador est al mando d ... Leer más
Barons War
Nuevo juego de Robert Markham sobre las dos principales batallas de Simon de Montefort - Lewes y Evesham, que ofrece una nueva visin sobre un perodo de la historia de Inglaterra escasamente cubierto por wargames hasta el momento. Esta ... Leer más
40 € - 20% = 31,99 €


Command at Sea Shattered Armada: Naval Battles of the Spanish Civil War 1936-39
Command at Sea travels to the waters off Spain in 1936, where in July, right-wing "Nationalists" rebelled against the democratically elected leftwing "Republicans", res ... Leer más
Command at Sea Vol 11 Bywaters War
A finales de los aos 20, el analista naval y antiguo espa Hector C. Bywater escribi lo que a da de hoy se conoce como un tecno-thriller. Su novela describa un conflicto hipottico entre Japn y Estados Unido ... Leer más
Command at Sea Vol 12 Mediterranean Fleets
Mediterranean Fleets includes over 150 ships and 90 aircraft! For the the first time the Admiralty Trilogy covers the Greek, Turkish and Yugoslavian Navies. Previous listings of Italian ships and aircraft ... Leer más
Fires of Midway
The Battle of Midway was the climactic carrier engagement of the Pacific War. Nerve-wracking and intense, the battle was decided by timing, strategy and good fortune. In the span of only four minutes the war in the Pacific wa ... Leer más
Tactical Napoleonics: La Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean
Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The battle of Belle Alliance.
This is the complete version that have everything you need to play
C ... Leer más
88,25 € - 25% = 66,75 €


Tactical Napoleonics: La Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean (Expansion Kit)
Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The battle of Belle Alliance.
You must own La Bataille de Ligny and La Bataille des Q ... Leer más
World War II: Borodino 41. Reedicion de uno de los mayores clasicos de Clash of Arms. Sistema de juego fluido e innovador.
La batalla que detuvo la punta de lanza panzer alemana a las puertas de Moscu.
Basado en el premiado sistema de juego Blac ... Leer más
Revistas y Libros
1871 Grand Tactical Rules For The Franco-Prussian War
1871 fast-play rules for the Franco-Prussian War-- the latest in Bruce Weigles popular 1870 series of rules for the mid-19th century European wars of transition.
While 1871 features the s ... Leer más
Command at Sea Vol 6 Baltic Arena
Baltic Arena covers the forgotten sea of World War Two naval engagements. Its
128 pages contain 13 scenarios, from submarine attacks, convoy actions,
ambushes, night surface actions, and air and surface combinat ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 34
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 37
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 42
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Na ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 43
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITRE ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 44
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITRE ... Leer más
The Naval Sitrep 45
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP ... Leer más
Top Cover
Australias Pacific Air War: In a one-sided fight over Rabaul on January 20th, 1942, Japanese Zeros annihilated a small force of RAAF Wirraway armed-trainers, which were all that stood between Japanese air power and Northern Australia. Li ... Leer más