Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
Juegos de Mesa
BaRRacuda is a game for creative gamblers with many unknowns as none of the players has all of the information! To win, you have to keep track of the plays, act tactically wise, and keep entirely cool when making your decisions.
In the ... Leer más
Beast: Edicin Revisada
Bienvenido a la Expansin del Norte, un lugar donde la naturaleza sigue siendo inexplorada, mstica y peligrosa.
Cuando los humanos llegaron por primera vez, creyeron encontrar un paraso virgen, lleno de bosques ... Leer más
Black and White
War is in the air. Two feuding nations after a decade of a very fragile truce assemble their armies: Her Majesty Susanna from Thargaton with troops in black uniforms to the west and Cardinal Nicodemus from Vesani with white-robed re ... Leer más
BuyWord is a game of words with a twist. You pay good hard cash to buy your letters, then form a word to sell at a profit, if you can. Your payoff depends on the quantity and the quality of the letters in your word. BuyWord mixes basic math ... Leer más
Caminos is a connection game somewhere between Rumis and Punct. Players win by forming a continuous line of their own colour (by placing rumis style 3d tetris blocks) from one side of the board to the other.
1. Players take turns playing ... Leer más
Chaostle es una combinacin de la palabras en ingls caos (Chaos) y castillo (Castle).
Chaostle es un juego de tablero de fantasa con un castillo tridimensional.
Cada jugador elije sus ejrcitos al principio que usarn para luchar c ... Leer más
Claim It!
Stake your claim! Get the best patch of land in these gold-filled hills. Roll the dice to claim an area as your own. Steal claims from other players, or double your claim and make an area permanently yours. Keep rolling as long as you wan ... Leer más
Collateral Damage: The Anime Board Game
In Collateral Damage, you play a Gang Boss trying to take over cities in Neo Japan in order to win the game. Your gang is made up of typical characters from romantic comedy anime, with a unique set of statist ... Leer más
Conquest of the Fallen Lands
In Conquest of the Fallen Lands, you and your fellow players have a task to free a land invaded by vile hordes of monsters, and win back the treasures they plundered.
The game board is composed of hex tiles represent ... Leer más
Council of Blackthorn
The King of Blackthorn rose to power on the strength of his sword, gaining the devotion of the people as he forged a nation and purged the ravages of war. Once a much needed beacon of strength for a foundling kingdom, he has n ... Leer más
It is the height of the castle building era in Europe - and it is a matter of national pride that the royal couples courtyard be the most ornate and splendid in the land.
Courtyard melds high-quality wooden components, traditional med ... Leer más
Dive! Diver! Die!
Dive! Diver! Die! o D3, es un juego de bsqueda de tesoros subacuticos que requiere astuta planificacin y gestin de riego, y que genera un frentico alboroto que transcurre a lo largo de 4 inmersiones. Durante cada una de ellas ... Leer más
E.T. El Extraterrestre: A Aos Luz de Casa
Est a tres millones de aos luz de casa...y necesita que lo ayudes a volver!
E.T. el extraterrestre se ha quedado atrs y, ahora, vienen a por l los agentes federales! Con este juego de aven ... Leer más
Por una vez, Zeus, el dios griego del trueno y de los cielos, est de buen humor y desea conceder un generoso regalo a un merecedor mortal e invitarlo a su reino, el Olimpo.
Para elegir al candidato adecuado, Zeus organiza una competicin con 12 ta ... Leer más
GloBall. No hace falta saber de futbol para disfrutar de "GloBall"!
Cuando juegas "GloBall" entras de lleno en la emocin de un torneo internacional. Apuestas quienes sern los ganadores de cada partido para conseguir puntos y si tu equipo escogid ... Leer más
Godzilla Kaiju World Wars
Godzilla Kaiju Guerra Mundial
Es una pelea de proporciones monstruosas y la Tierra es el campo de batalla! Los Xiliens han enfrentado a Godzilla, Rodan, Gigan y el Rey Ghidorah en una batalla catastrfica y slo un mons ... Leer más
Halli Galli Junior
Halli Galli Junior is a speed action game in which players must ring a bell when they see two clowns of the same color.
During set-up, each player receives cards with clowns in nine colors. Most of them look happy, but some ar ... Leer más
Heavy Steam
Set in a steampunk universe, Heavy Steam is a game about piloting a giant mechanical humanoid war machine of doom. As a pilot you use the steam titans resources to strategically complete scenario objectives. More often than not its to ... Leer más
HysteriCoach Hockey es un original juego para 4 a 14 jugadores. Los jugadores se dividen en dos equipos de ftbol americano compuestos de un entrenador y un nmero de jugadores.
Cada jugador se sienta frente a otro jugador del equipo contrario, con t ... Leer más
Todos los pecadores son bienvenidos.
Ayuda a tu familia a convertirse en la ms infame del averno y en la ms influyente de la Florencia del siglo XIV. Con la complicidad de cuatro lderes corruptos y poderosos, suministra al inframundo ... Leer más
Iron Sky The Boardgame
En 1945 los Nazis se fueron a la Luna; en el 2018 han vuelto y quieren venganza! Preprate porque el Cuarto Reich est a punto de aterrizar en tu mesa!
El juego Iron Sky: The Boardgame est basado en el largometraje Iro ... Leer más
Kahmat is a game of rugby for 2 players. Each player controls 6 men with different abilities and movement points. The men move and pass the ball around according to simplified rugby rules. Position your players intelligently to hinder the ... Leer más
A game of Rugby for 2 players. Each player controls 6 men with different abilities and movement points. The men move and pass the ball around according to simplified rugby rules.
Players abilities and Fitness cards numbered 1-6 allow th ... Leer más
The kingdom of Legitimant is in turmoil. The old king has died, leaving no legitimate heir... He has, however, left several illegitimate ones.
Since you were an infant, your mother has told you of the royal blood that runs in your vei ... Leer más
Little italy
Travel back to New Yorks golden age of gangsters, where you get to take on the role of a crime boss in 1950s Little Italy. Make your rounds about town as you pick up money from different buildings, but watch out for the "heat"!
Ea ... Leer más
The Grand Duke, who has no heirs, has decreed that his throne will go to whoever does the most to lift up and develop the duchy. You are a successful but common merchant, aiming to buy a noble title by impressing the Grand Duke. His health ... Leer más
Mars Attacks Ten Minute Takedown
Mas Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown is a fast-playing dexterity game of Martian aggression and global destruction. Flick the custom die from your flying saucer at the Earthling cities, and claim their points as you des ... Leer más
Masters of Venice
Venice, the 1400s. You are a young merchant trying to make your name in this legendary port of vibrant commerce. Trade in spices, silks, gems, iron, and grain can bring great wealth... if you can bend the market to your will. Buy ... Leer más
Meridian. Los jugadores intentan construir sus ciudades de modo que puedan controlar el mayor nmero de islas del archipilago de Meridian. Las ciudades ms altas deben construirse al norte, y las ms bajas al sur. Hay distintos mapas para 3 o 4 jugad ... Leer más
Monkey See Monkey Do
What the hell are monkeys doing in your living room?
Who will get the most bananas?
A primitive mime game, made of bizarre and crazy positions
Different game modes between adults and children.
In Monkey See Monkey Do in ... Leer más