Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
76,75 € - 25% = 57,75 €


Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Battle of the Bulge I (with 4 geomorphic boards)
THIRIMONT, BELGIUM, 15 January 1945: By the end of 1944 the German offensive in the Belgian Ardennes was definitely stopped. But the Allies still had to push the Ge ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Darkest December
HOTTON, BELGIUM, 21 December 1944: After revealing itself prematurely, the spearhead group of the 116th Panzer Division remained quiet for about ninety minutes. During that time, the Americans had ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Pork Chop Hill
IRON TRIANGLE OUTPOST PORK CHOP HILL, 1025 Hours, 6 July 1953: At 1025 hours on the night of July 6th a massive artillery and mortar barrage preceded an onslaught by 700 soldiers from the CCF 200t ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) Timmes Orchard II
ATS TIMMES ORCHARD IIThe All American 82nd Airborne Division is a new ATS Historical Module that tells the story of the Battle of Normandy from the perspective of the 82nd Airborne Division, the Amer ... Leer más
Precio: 19,95 €

Advanced Tobruk Expansion Pack 2: Benghazi Handicap (2nd Edition).
La llegada de Rommel a frica. 12 escenarios - campaa de marzo / abril de 1941 que culmina con la derrota de Rommel en Tobruk, Pascua de 1941. 30 nuevas ficahs, incluyendo semiorug ... Leer más
Precio: 19,95 €

Advanced Tobruk Expansion Pack 3: Devils Garden (2nd Edition).
Expansin para Advance Tobruk, cubre la guerra del desierto de 1940. 12 nuevos escenarios, plantilla de fichas y cartas AFV Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Avanti Savoia brings the disaster of the Soviet Winter Counter Offensive of 1941 to the fore with German, Russian, and Italian combined-arms operations playing across two historical maps. All the early Barbarossa toys are ... Leer más
39,95 € - 20% = 31,95 €


Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Briefing Sourcebook 2. The new publication for ATS enthusiasts is here! We call it a Sourcebook because each issue will include a brand new ATS Expansion inside!
Sourcebook #2 includes a an awesome and unprecedented lo ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): CSIR Nikitovka. The Italian Army on the Eastern Front is depicted for the first time in ATS in CSIR Nikitovka
Designer Andrea Garello stepped out of the hobbys rank-and-file and is hard at work on an entire series of ... Leer más
12,95 € - 20% = 10,35 €


Hot Stove Pack 1 Western Front 1944
What do the Canadian Army and Panzer Ace Michael Wittman have in common? They both makes appearances in the new ATS Hot Stove Mini Pack 1 from Critical Hit!
The year is 1944 and the fate of World War II in ... Leer más
12,95 € - 20% = 10,35 €


Hot Stove Pack 2 follows in the footsteps of its predecessor based on popular demand and we think this new batch of scenarios will get your dice rolling, and how!
In addition to a brand new map you receive FOUR scenarios to use on it. The terrain ... Leer más
OOSTERBEEK PERIMETER is a ground-breaking product that allows you to recreate the classic struggle of the Battle of Arnhem on a never-simulated-at-this-scale rendition of the battlefield. And to do it in the ultimate detail, house-by-house, at 50 yard ... Leer más
39,95 € - 20% = 31,95 €


Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Parkers Crossroads: The Battle of the Bulge.
PARKERS CROSSROADSThe Battle of the Bulge contains a highly-detailed and on-site researched game map depicting the Belgian countryside along the Baraque de Fraiture crossr ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Ponyri Metalgods. Ponyri Station, Russia, 0645 hours 7 July 1943: The 18th Pz Division had hit the west side of Ponyri Station and breached the wire and mines, but at a high cost in men and materials.
A company was pus ... Leer más
19,95 € - 25% = 14,95 €


Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): So Full of Fire Band of Brothers at Brcourt Manor and Beyond.
North of Brcourt Manor, Normandy, 6 June 1944 0830 Hours: After linking up with his parent unit at the hamlet of Le Grand Chemin on the morning of June 6, ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Surprised outside of Strass brings the work of another new designer, Mike Nagel, to your gaming table. Many of you may know Mike through his design Flying Colors and word of his upcoming ATS Attu Island design.
The ... Leer más
79,95 € - 20% = 63,95 €


Captain William Barber commanded Fox Company, which guarded the main supply route for the 5th and 7th Regiment of the 1st Marine Division at Yudam-ni, a few miles north of his position. During the night Chicom forces had attacked in force, and C ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Warfighting Guide 1. Primero en una serie de manuales detallados para los aficionados al ATS, repleto de ejemplos ilustrados de juego y artculos de aprendizaje. Cada nmero tiene unas 40 pginas. El primer nmero tambin ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS): Warfighting Guide 3 Eaglebook
ATS Warfigthing Guide 3 EAGLEBOOK, es una revista de ms de 36 pginas con una compilacin de todas las preguntas y respuestas conocidas de ATS, formateada y respondida por los impresionan ... Leer más
ASL Bandenkrieg. Hell behind the eastern front.
North of BORISOV, RUSSIA, 4 April 1943: Operation Lenz Sud had commenced in hopes of finally reducing or eliminating the growing Partisan force near Borisov. As the German forces began the push the pa ... Leer más
BARAQUE DE FRAITURE, BELGIUM, 20 December 1944: The German effort to encircle or bypass American forces in the Ardennes offensive required aggressive, even reckless exploitation of any breakthrough. Invariably, t ... Leer más
ASL Escape from Chosin: Toktong Pass 1950
0230 hours, 29 NOVEMBER 1950, TOKTONG PASS, KOREA: At 0200 hours a voice called out of the pitch darkness and identified itself as an American lieutenant. The voice called out the positions of the Fox com ... Leer más
ASL Genesis II
KIBBUTZ DEGANIA A, ISRAEL, 20 May 1948: Having just captured the police fortress at Samakh two days earlier, Colonel Abdel Wahab Bey al-Hakim redeployed his forces to assault the kibbutzim on the southern edge of Lake Tiberias. His g ... Leer más
ASL Hell in the Liri Valley. On the road to Rome 1944
West of the Minturno-Santa Maria road, SANTA MARIA INFANTE, ITALY, 12 May 1944: To carry on the unfinished mission of the weakened and helpless 2nd Battalion, 3rd Battalion was ordered forward. ... Leer más
BARAQUE DE FRAITURE, BELGIUM, 20 December 1944: The German effort to encircle or bypass American forces in the Ardennes offensive required aggressive, even reckless pursuit of any breakthrough. Invariably, this strategy resulted in unexpected, but non ... Leer más
ASL Module: Point du Hoc Gamers Guide (2nd Edition)
This one-shot magazine provides supplementary material for Critical Hits historical module Pointe Du Hoc, featuring the Rangers on D-Day. Crudely produced, it has little of value in terms of ga ... Leer más
Retro Pack I. Calling all completists and battle-hardened ASLers! RETRO PAK I scenarios bring the ASLComp gamer back to the era when Hill 621 was king.
You know what that means. Short SSRs, designs that almost completely avoid the use of overlay ... Leer más
The TOTAL AXIS PACK series continues with the second installment! That means you get TWELVE MORE of the tense, unique, SSR-lite scenarios by some of the best designers in the hobby today.
As Total War engulfed the world after 1939 one country af ... Leer más
ASL Panther Line
North of SUJEWO, SOVIET UNION, 25 June 1944: On 23 June the first German counter-attack in the Army Group North positions known as the Panther Line failed to regain all of the ground held by the enemy. Preparations immediately be ... Leer más
ASL Pork Chop Hill
IRON TRIANGLE OUTPOST PORK CHOP HILL, 1025 Hours, 6 July 1953: At 1025 hours on the night of July 6th a massive artillery and mortar barrage preceded an onslaught by 700 soldiers from the CCF 200th Regiment, 67th Division. The so ... Leer más