Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
Juegos de Mesa
Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery. A finales del siglo XV y una nueva edad amanece. Buscando una nueva ruta comercial a las Indias, los exploradores han descubierto una nueva tierra. Los primeros informes relatan la existencia de criaturas extr ... Leer más
In the mountain there are veins of precious stones. The players build tunnels in the mountain, establish stations in the mountain and in the city, discover veins of precious stones, acquire precious stones, and sell them. The players get poin ... Leer más
Tienes lo que hace falta para convertirte en el prximo Emperador de Roma?
Estamos en el s. II, y los 200 aos de Opax Romana de Augusto han llegado a su fin. Con la muerte del Emperador filsofo, Marco Aurelio, el Imperio Romano ha quedado sin ... Leer más
Defenders of the Realm Dragon Expansion
Defenders of the Realm: The Dragon Expansion provides the means to ramp up, ease up, expand and customize your Defenders of the Realm gaming experience in a variety of ways. The three new Dragon Genera ... Leer más
Defenders of the Realm Hero Expansion 1
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion #1 includes four new heroes with a miniature and character card for each hero along with six new global effects cards and five tokens for use with the ... Leer más
Defenders of the Realm Hero Expansion 2
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion #2 includes four new heroes with a miniature and character card for each along with six new global effects cards for use with the Defenders of the Real ... Leer más
Defenders of the Realm Hero Expansion 3
Defender of the Realm: Hero Expansion #3 includes four new heroes with a miniature and character card for each along with a half-dozen new global effects cards and three tokens for use with ... Leer más
Dragon Rampage
Dragon Rampage, un juego de estrategia para 3-5 jugadores ambientado en un mundo fantstico del creador Richard Launius.
Cada jugador asume el papel de uno de los aventureros (todos ellos con habilidades diferentes) y el objetivo ... Leer más
Lisboa is a game about the reconstruction of the great Portuguese capital city after a series of terrible catastrophes. On November 1, 1755, Lisboa suffered an earthquake of an estimated magnitude of 8.59.0, followed by a devastating ... Leer más
New England Railways
Railroads are expensive propositions. Indeed, players must borrow money from banks to amass the necessary capital to build these railways. Can they make a profit while paying the interest on these loans, and indeed, even while ... Leer más
Asume el papel de uno de los barones ferroviarios que forjaron imperios. Versin de tablero de uno de los mayores clsicos juegos para PC: Railroad Tycoon.
Revive los primeros das de la Era del Vapor, comenzando con una locomotora (la venerable ... Leer más
Railroad Tycoon: Rails of Europe.
Estamos en Europa, mediados del s. XIX. Los ferrocarriles que aparecieron primero en Inglaterra se extienden ahora por el continente. Riqueza y prestigio esperan a los que puedan acomodarse a los recursos y demanda ... Leer más
Railways of Europe
Railways of Europe is an expansion for Railways of the World. Glenn Drover, one of the two designers of the original game, has designed a European setting for the expansion, which uses the original games pieces, tiles, money, tr ... Leer más
Railways of Great Britain
It is mid-19th century Great Britain. The tramways that first appeared to transport coal have since been upgraded to railways. Numerous different companies (using different railway gauges) have connected to villages, towns ... Leer más
Railways of the Western US
Railways of the Western U.S. is an expansion for Railways of the World. Designed by Rick Holzgrafe, this expansion map uses the score track, pieces, tiles, money, trains, bonds and rules of the original game, but comes wi ... Leer más
Railways of the World. Nueva versin del popular juego ferroviario de Eagle Games, antes denominado Railroad Tycoon.
Railways of the World es el nuevo juego bsico del sistema, e incluye las cartas de locomotoras, losetas de vas frreas, fichas de ... Leer más
Vinhos Deluxe Edition (2017)
Vinhos (the Portuguese word for "wines") is a trading and economic game about wine making. Despite its small size, Portugal is one of the worlds leading wine producers. Over six years of harvests, cultivate your vines, ... Leer más
Juegos de Cartas
Fleet is an award-winning strategic card based game featuring a unique commercial fishing theme. Fleet was the 2012 Dice Hate Me Game of the Year, and a runner up for GAMES Magazines 2014 Best Card Game of the Year.
Fleet uses both existi ... Leer más
Wyatt Earp (New Edition)
Los jugadores son cazadores de recompensas que trabajan cooperando y compitiendo entre ellos para capturar a los ms clebres forajidos del Oeste. Para ello deben conseguir y jugar grupos de cartas de los distintos forajido ... Leer más