Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
A Glourious Chance
A Glorious Chance is a solitaire, operational wargame that puts you in command of the U.S. or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake. But each patrol, each convoy mission ... Leer más
A Hot Dry Season
A Hot Dry Season: Operation Attleboro in War Zone C (AHDS) is an operational-level game dealing with the National Liberation Front (NLF) Dry Season Offensive in the III Corps Tactical Zone (III CTZ) in November 1966 and the ... Leer más
A Splendid Little War: The 1898 Santiago Campaign. trata todos los aspectos de la Campaa de Santiago de Cuba de 1898 tanto en el nivel estratgico como en el tctico.
El juego abarca la campaa completa e incluye desde los Rough Riders a las guerr ... Leer más
60 € - 20% = 47,99 €



A Splendid Little War: The 1898 Santiago Campaign 2nd Edition
A Splendid Little Warbegun with the highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit, favored by that fortune which loves the brave." So did John Hay, ... Leer más
Abyss of Lament
Abyss of Lament is a tactical game about six major battles between Frederick the Greats Prussia and Maria Theresas Austria in the Seven Years War (1756-1763).
The game:
The rules are of low complexity and aim ... Leer más
Aces of Valor
Welcome to France! ACES OF VALOR is a solitaire game where you command a fighter squadron on the Western Front during World War I through a campaign of multiple missions to score as many victory points as possible to assist th ... Leer más
Ars Bellum
Ars Bellum is a low complexity game that allows players to recreate a wide range of battles throughout Antiquity. The game emphasizes playability without sacrificing historical flavor (order of battle, commanders, units with spec ... Leer más
B-26: The Marauder Strikes!
The B-26 has arrived in the European Theater of Operations. It has now joined the B-17, B-24 and the Lancaster over the skies of war torn Europe...
B-26: The Marauder Strikes! is a solitaire game set on-board ... Leer más
B-29 Superfortress
El B-29 es exactamente lo que su nombre significa una Superfortaleza ms grande y mejor que el B-17. El B-29 es el primero de los bombarderos muy pesados. En realidad, en el tamao fsico no es mucho ms grande que un B-1 ... Leer más
B-29 Superfortress: Hell over Korea Expansion.
Hell over Korea es una expansin para el juego B-29 SUPERFORTRESS que cubre las misiones de los B 29 en la Guerra de Corea entre noviembre de 1950 y abril de 1951
El perodo de tiempo cubierto en es ... Leer más
Blenheim 1704
The Battle of Blenheim is a tactical level two player game covering one of the pivotal battles during the War of Spanish Succession. One player takes the role of Marlborough, commanding the British and Allied forces, and the ot ... Leer más
Captains Sea
Captains Sea is a low-to-moderate complexity game for two players who take the roles as captains of the original American frigates (Chesapeake, Congress, Constellation, Constitution, President, and United States) ... Leer más
Chivalry at Bay
"As God may help, it appears to me that all the flower and honor of chivalry is there, most wisely and expertly drawn up.
-- John Chandos, before the Battle of Auray (29 September 1364)
The Hundred Years War (1337 ... Leer más
Communism in the West: Cuba 1958 - Bolivia 1967. Este pack contiene dos juegos sobre insurrecciones comunistas en el Hemisferio Occidental durante el s. XX.
Ambos juegos usan movimiento por reas y un mismo sistema de combate/juego.
El primer ju ... Leer más
CORREGIDOR is played in successive game turns composed of alternate player turns during which the phasing player maneuvers his units and resolves combat in sequence. Turns consist of the Administrative Phases (reinforcement arriv ... Leer más
Decisive Victory 1918 Volume One Soissons
Decisive Victory 1918 is a series of three games that when combined will cover the entire Allied offensive in July of 1918 known as the Second Battle of the Marne. It is significant for a num ... Leer más
Defiance: The Battle for Cufra, 1931. En julio de 1930, el Vicegobernador de Cirenaica, General Rudolfo Graziani, recibi la orden del Gobernador de Tripolitania/Cirenaica, General Pietro Badoglio, que estaba a su vez presionado por il Duce Benito Mus ... Leer más
Demyansk Shield The Frozen Fortress, January - May, 1942
Demyansk Shield: The Frozen Fortress, January - May, 1942, From 22 June 1941 Axis armies attacked the Soviet Union on a broad front. While the northern group of armies (Army Group North) push ... Leer más
Dien Bien Phu The Final Game 2nd Edition
"Dien Bien Phu" depicts the decisive battle which took place in a distant jungle valley in northern Vietnam. It was a battle where both sides knew from start would be a final showdown. The French were desper ... Leer más
Fire on the Mountain
Fire on the Mountain is a medium complexity game that concentrates on the action around Turners Gap and Foxs Gap, emphasizing the difficulty of mountainous terrain and the seesaw nature of battle into which reinforceme ... Leer más
Heart of Darkness
Mid 19th Century Exploration of Africa
This is a game of adventure and exploration where you, together with five other players, venture into deepest Africa. The time period is mid-19th century and you start ... Leer más
Hill of Doves The First Anglo-Boer War 1880-1881
Hill of Doves is a solitaire boardgame in which the player controls An Imperial British Army at war with a programmed non-player Transvaal Republican Army in 1881. The British armys ai ... Leer más
50 € - 20% = 39,99 €


Ici, cest la France! The Algerian War of Independence 1954-62 (Second Edition)
Nuevo juego de esta editorial independiente que gusta de explorar caminos poco trillados. El juego que ahora presentamos nos ha parecido interesantsimo, de lo ms inn ... Leer más
Invasion: Malta
Invasion: Malta uses many familiar game mechanics found in similar scale games. Featured here are chit draws for activation of formations and individual unit efficiency ratings. The Axis player uses amphibious landings and a ... Leer más
La Bataille de Hanau
This is a complete refit of the 1989 game. New map and counters, all done by Charles Kibler. It simulates the abortive attempt on 30 and 31 October 1813 by the Austro-Bavarians under de Wrede to prevent Napoleons ... Leer más
La Primogenita
LA PRIMOGENITA is a game about the East African Campaign in 1941. It covers the Allied invasion into Italian Eritrea in the north where the most intense fighting took place, especially around the town of Cheren. The Allies inv ... Leer más
Maori Wars
Maori Wars is a simulation of the principal uprisings that took place between 1845 and 1872 due to British colonial incursions into native Maori lands on the North Island of New Zealand. Conflict involved the destruction of numero ... Leer más
Nemesis: Burma 1944
While Burma was the backwater of WW2, it contained several of the most colorful characters of the war. The background was such that...
General Stilwell, who despised both British and Chinese (and the current American, ... Leer más
Operation Nordwind 1945
Operation Nordwind 1945 is an introductory level, card-assisted game depicting Germanys last offensive in the west from December 31, 1944 January 20, 1945. The game concentrates on the fighting that took place in t ... Leer más
70 € - 15% = 59,5 €



Picket Duty: Kamikaze, Okinawa 45 (2nd Edition)
By the time of the invasion of Okinawa in April 1945, the US Navy devised a plan to help ward off the expected kamikaze attacks during the battle for the island. In order to provide an early wa ... Leer más