Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
Jaws of Victory
The Jaws of Victory is a 2-map simulation of the January-February 1944 battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket that took place in the Ukraine. Its a classic pincer movement by two Soviet Armies that pocketed two German Korps. ... Leer más
The Battle for Dresden 1813
"The Battle for Dresden, 1813 is a brigade level, two-player simulation depicting the two days of battle in and around the city of Dresden during Napoleons 1813 campaign in Germany. One player controls the French ... Leer más
240 € - 17% = 199,99 €


Winters Victory: The Battle of Preussisch-Eylau, 7-8 February 1807
Winters Victory is a grand tactical, battalion level simulation of the battle of Preussisch-Eylau that occurred on February 7th and 8th in 1807 in West Prussia (modern day Poland a ... Leer más