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Jaws of Victory
Precio: 132 € - 10% = 118,75
a partir de 16 aos unos 360 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 5 jugadores mximos
a partir de 16 aos unos 360 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 5 jugadores mximos
Jaws of Victory The Jaws of Victory is a 2-map simulation of the January-February 1944 battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket that took place in the Ukraine. Its a classic pincer movement by two Soviet Armies that pocketed two German Korps. ...   Leer más

The Battle for Dresden 1813
Precio: 40,75 € - 10% = 36,75
a partir de 12 aos unos 300 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 2 jugadores mximos
a partir de 12 aos unos 300 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 2 jugadores mximos
The Battle for Dresden 1813 "The Battle for Dresden, 1813 is a brigade level, two-player simulation depicting the two days of battle in and around the city of Dresden during Napoleons 1813 campaign in Germany. One player controls the French ...   Leer más

Winters Victory: The Battle of Preussisch-Eylau, 7-8 February 1807
Precio: 240 € - 17% = 199,99
a partir de 16 aos unos 600 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 5 jugadores mximos
a partir de 16 aos unos 600 minutos 2 jugadores mnimos 5 jugadores mximos
Winters Victory: The Battle of Preussisch-Eylau, 7-8 February 1807 Winters Victory is a grand tactical, battalion level simulation of the battle of Preussisch-Eylau that occurred on February 7th and 8th in 1807 in West Prussia (modern day Poland a ...   Leer más

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