Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
1806 Rossbach Avenged. Peter Perla gave "1806" a very close look in "Paper Wars" Issue #30; here are some excerpts from his review
"First impressions ... sometimes can deceive. ... I had fallen into a classic reviewers error: looking at individual ... Leer más
Four Lost Battles. Kevin Zucker vuelve a la carta con este cuadrijuego sobre las batallas de Grossbeeren, Katzbach, Kulm y Dennewitz, de la campaa de otoo de 1813. Tras obtener una gran victoria en Dresde, Napolen vio como sus posibilidades de alca ... Leer más
La Patrie en Danger
La Patrie en Danger contains five battles from the opening phase of the Campaign in France. Napoleon has just arrived at the front. At their first encounter the French surprised Blchers Prussians and Russians during a snowstor ... Leer más
Napoleon Against Russia
Napoleon Against Russia - From Smolensk to Moscow and beyond August 16-October 24, 1812 contains five battles from the critical phase of the Campaign, when the Russian Army finally gave Napoleon the decisive battles he so gr ... Leer más
Napoleon at Leipzig, 5th Edition
NAPOLEON AT LEIPZIG, 5th EDITION 1813: War of Liberation, Part IV - Oct. 14th to 19th
Napoleon at Leipzig is a comprehensive game with a proven track record of excellent re-playability, among the most popular Nap ... Leer más
Napoleon at the Crossroads. El otoo de 1813 fue el periodo ms activo de las Guerras Napolenicas.
Napoleon at the Crossroads abarca la campaa de otoo en una escala que se centra en las cuestiones estratgicas y pone el nfasis en la jugabilidad ... Leer más
Napoleon Last Gamble; The Roads to Halle, Belgium 1815
This expansion for Napoleon Last Gamble 1815 adds one 22x34 map (WX) to the battlefield area and will extend from Brussels to west of Hal, overlapping the (N) and (NX) maps. And a 4-page study ... Leer más
Napoleon Retreats: Campaign in France 1814
Winter 1814: Hope Against Hope
After dispatching Blchers Army of Silesia at Vauchamps, Napoleon diverted temporarily toward the Seine at Montereau, for an inconclusive brush with Schwarzenberg ... Leer más
Napoleon s Last Gamble 1815
The strains of reveille resounded in bivouacs across the northern tier of France. With the clatter and rattle of arms and equipment, the men began to fall-in to their places in their march columns, moving out towar ... Leer más
Napoleon s Last Gamble Expansion 1815
Contains one 22" x 34" map and one 11" x 34" map extending south to Charleroi and north to Brussels, one 4-page scenario folder and player aid cards.
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Napoleon s Last Gamble Expansion Fleurus 1794
The Fate of Flanders was to be decided on the Sambre Republican France against Imperial Austria.
The decisive Battle of Fleurus led to the Austrian loss of Belgium. With the two armies clashing aga ... Leer más
Napoleon s Quagmire The Campaign in Extremadura
The Year 1809 began with Napoleons departure from the Iberian Peninsula, to face the Austrian threat on the Danube. He left his brother, Joseph, in nominal command of his armies in Spain, as puppet k ... Leer más
Napoleons Resurgence
Having rebuilt his army after the Russian retreat Napoleon advances into Saxony with an army of 130,000, mostly conscripted and trained from scratch in four months. This boxed set recreates the three key battles of the Spring C ... Leer más
The Habit of Victory. Dos de los diseadores ms respetados y con ms solera del panorama de los wargames, Mark Herman y Kevin Zucker, te llevan a la campaa de Napolen de 1806-07 en Polonia (Eylau, Friedland), empleando las reglas de la serie Campa ... Leer más
The Last Days of the Grande Arme The time is: 1630 hrs., 15 June 1815...The Imperial Guard light cavalry of Lefebvre-Desnottes encountered the Nassau infantry of Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar. The Duke had taken the initiative to move one of his two ... Leer más
The Last Success: Napoleons March to Vienna, 1809
El ltimo juego en la lnea del clsico Napoleons Last Battles y Four Lost Battles cubre la campaa de Napolen en el Danubio en 1809. Como en los otros juegos, los jugadores se ponen al mando de ... Leer más
Napolen escribi en Santa Elena: "La batalla de Abensberg, la maniobra de Landshut y la batalla de Eckmuhl son las maniobras ms audaces y brillantes de Napolen. El juego abarca la semana de 1809 que estuvo a punto de resultar catastrfica, en la q ... Leer más
Contina la GRAN serie Campaigns of Napoleon de Kevin Zucker! (recordemos que a esta misma serie pertenecen Napoleon at Bay,
Bonaparte in Italy, Struggle of Nations, 1809, Victory on the Danube, The Emperor Returns y 1807, The Eagle Turns East). Th ... Leer más