Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
(GTS) No Question of Surrender
La Grand Tactical Series se mueve al Norte de frica! Aplicando el aclamado sistema usado en The Devils Cauldron, este juego da a los jugadores la posibilidad para recrear la lucha de las fuerzas de la Francia Libre ... Leer más
(GTS) The Greatest Day. Utah Beach
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march wit ... Leer más
(IGS) Angola
Angola recrea un breve periodo de la violenta guerra civil angolea, que comenz en los aos 1970 con la cada de un poder colonial y se extendi durante el siglo XXI en parte gracias a la guerra fra.
Angola es un juego de multijug ... Leer más
(IGS) Storm Over Jerusalem
By the year 70 of the Common Era (CE), the province of Judea had been in revolt against Rome for nearly 4 years. The protests and riots that began in 66 CE had quickly turned into open rebellion. The standard Roman ... Leer más
(IGS) Warriors of Japan
After the enormous critical and sales success of Warriors of God, MMP is proud to present the grandfather of Warriors of God, Nakajimas masterpiece, Warriors of Japan.
Long considered one of the greatest games to ever be ... Leer más
111 Alarm Dla Warszawy
111 Alarm Dla Warszawy is a simple wargame for two based on the mechanics used in the 303 board game. One of the players is the commander of the Pursuit Brigade Polish fighter group defending Warsaw on September 1st. 19 ... Leer más
1500 the new World
1500 - The New World is a board game for 2 to 6 players! Each game sets-up in 10 minutes and plays in under a hour! The fast flowing game play is perfect for casual and serious gamers ages 12 and up!
Each player selects a colo ... Leer más
1500: England Expansion
These Nations give each player control of a specific European nation during the Age of Discovery! Each deck features a custom mix of cards unique to that nation.
Each Expansion pack also contains the cards and rules neede ... Leer más
1500: France Expansion
These Nations give each player control of a specific European nation during the Age of Discovery! Each deck features a custom mix of cards unique to that nation.
Each Expansion pack also contains the cards and rules needed ... Leer más
1500: Netherlands Expansion
These Nations give each player control of a specific European nation during the Age of Discovery! Each deck features a custom mix of cards unique to that nation.
Each Expansion pack also contains the cards and rules n ... Leer más
1500: Portugal Expansion
These Nations give each player control of a specific European nation during the Age of Discovery! Each deck features a custom mix of cards unique to that nation.
Each Expansion pack also contains the cards and rules need ... Leer más
1500: Spain Expansion
These Nations give each player control of a specific European nation during the Age of Discovery! Each deck features a custom mix of cards unique to that nation.
Each Expansion pack also contains the cards and rules needed ... Leer más
1759: Siege of Quebec 2nd
1759: Siege of Quebec is the first in our Great Sieges game series. These games highlight command decisions for players against a solitaire game engine opponent. They have been designed for easy set up and quick gam ... Leer más
1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow
Board wargame 1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow represents one of the most famous battles in the history of the Polish army. Players have historical forces and must act, given ... Leer más
1914, Serbien mu sterbien
1914, Serbien mu sterbien, The Initial Campaigns on the Balkan Front in WWI cubre de forma realista las batallas que tuvieron lugar en Serbia y alrededores durante los primeros compases de la 1 Guerra Mundial.
1914, ... Leer más
1944: Carrera hacia el Rin
El juego se basa en los hechos histricos del ao 1944. Los jugadores, en los papeles de los comandantes Aliados, toman parte en una verdadera carrera hacia el Rin. El que llegue al ro antes gana la partida y termina la ... Leer más
1944: Race to the Rhine
El juego se basa en los hechos histricos del ao 1944. Los jugadores, en los papeles de los comandantes Aliados, toman parte en una verdadera carrera hacia el Rin. El que llegue al ro antes gana la partida y termina la II ... Leer más
2023 Replacement Countersheet
We are happy to announce today that we have created a "2023 Replacement Countersheet" that includes all of the counter updates that we and the designers know of as errata for games from 2022 and several from 2 ... Leer más
2024 Replacement Countersheet
2024 Replacement Countersheet includes all of the counter updates that we and the designers know of as errata for games from 2023 and several from 2024.
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2040: An American Insurgency
2040: An American Insurgency simulates a US civil war in the 21st century. In this 2-player, 3-hour game, the blue team is the Federals, agents of the government in Washington. The red ... Leer más
A Glourious Chance
A Glorious Chance is a solitaire, operational wargame that puts you in command of the U.S. or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake. But each patrol, each convoy mission ... Leer más
102,85 € - 20% = 82,25 €


A Greater Victory: The Battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862
After the stunning Union defeat at Second Manassas, Robert E. Lee maneuvered his victorious Confederate Army across the Potomac River and into the state of Maryland. George ... Leer más
163,9 € - 20% = 131,15 €



A Time for Trumpets: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944
A Time for Trumpets (ATFT) is a battalion level game of the Battle of the Bulge. The game system incorporates a number of concepts from two the highly playable games o ... Leer más
Across Suez
On 6 October 1973, troops of the Egyptian Third Army performed a masterful surprise crossing of the Suez Canal, overwhelmed the emplaced Israeli defenders along the Bar Lev line, and established themselves in force on the Sinai. For the ... Leer más
Adowa End of Africa dream
Adowa is the first big defeat of an European power in Africa. Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II managed to defeat an Italian army through a combination of bravery, deficiencies in the Italian chain of command, and well exploite ... Leer más
Advanced Squad Leader Rulebook Pocket Edition: Chapter H
New from MMP is the Pocket Chapter H that for the first time collects all the ASL vehicles and ordnance for all the nationalities in one place. Following in the footsteps of the innovative Po ... Leer más
76,75 € - 25% = 57,75 €


Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Battle of the Bulge I (with 4 geomorphic boards)
THIRIMONT, BELGIUM, 15 January 1945: By the end of 1944 the German offensive in the Belgian Ardennes was definitely stopped. But the Allies still had to push the Ge ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Darkest December
HOTTON, BELGIUM, 21 December 1944: After revealing itself prematurely, the spearhead group of the 116th Panzer Division remained quiet for about ninety minutes. During that time, the Americans had ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) (TT) Pork Chop Hill
IRON TRIANGLE OUTPOST PORK CHOP HILL, 1025 Hours, 6 July 1953: At 1025 hours on the night of July 6th a massive artillery and mortar barrage preceded an onslaught by 700 soldiers from the CCF 200t ... Leer más
Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) Timmes Orchard II
ATS TIMMES ORCHARD IIThe All American 82nd Airborne Division is a new ATS Historical Module that tells the story of the Battle of Normandy from the perspective of the 82nd Airborne Division, the Amer ... Leer más