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Revistas y Libros
1871 Grand Tactical Rules For The Franco-Prussian War
1871 fast-play rules for the Franco-Prussian War-- the latest in Bruce Weigles popular 1870 series of rules for the mid-19th century European wars of transition.
While 1871 features the s ... Leer más
Against the Odds 25: Storm Over Taierzhuang
It sounds very familiar. An Axis army launches an offensive to take a key city, hoping this will be the final victory needed to knock an Allied giant out of the war. Except, the defenders anticipated the ... Leer más
54,95 € - 20% = 43,95 €


Against the Odds 37: For Bloody Honor. The Russian Civil War
Though the roots went back decades before, maybe you could say it started with a special train, guarded from Switzerland to a Swedish ferry as part of the German war effortto plant ... Leer más
Against the Odds 40: Lilliburlero.
July 12 in Ireland has become a day of pride and anger, lawsuits and fisticuffs. Called The Twelfth, it commemorates the Battle of the Boyne, 1690, when William of Orange (hence todays Protestant Orangemen) a ... Leer más
Against the Odds 44: Vercingetorix
His fathers name was Celtillus,of a noble family and a chief of the Averni tribe of Gauls--a people with a remarkably sophisticated civilization and tradition as warriors and craftsmen, but fiercely resistant tow ... Leer más
Against the Odds 45: Red Dragon, Blue Dragon
One might ask why it is we know so much (and game so much) about the Russian Civil War and see very little on the Chinese Civil War... a conflict more prolonged, larger in scope (in terms of the numbers ... Leer más
In the hardest fought Arctic convoy battle of the war, Convoy PQ-17 was largely destroyed by German air and naval forces in July 1942. Arctic Disaster, by designer Mark Stille, simulates the journey of PQ-17 as it transits Arctic waters en ro ... Leer más
Against the Odds 47: Arctic Disaster
In the hardest fought Arctic convoy battle of the war, Convoy PQ-17 was largely destroyed by German air and naval forces in July 1942. Arctic Disaster, by designer Mark Stille, simulates the journey of PQ ... Leer más
Against the Odds 49: A Gate of Hell
The defenses of Charleston are like a porcupine hide with the quills turned outside in.
-- USN Rear Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont
During the summer of 1863, in the aftermath of the Gettysburg an ... Leer más
54,95 € - 20% = 43,95 €


Against the Odds 50: Die Atombombe: The Reichs Bid to Build the Bomb
Die Atombombe is a card game for 2 to 5 players. Each player represents a faction inside German government, industry, or military circles, seeking to engage one of the Rei ... Leer más
Against the Odds 54: Montys D-Dayy
El general britnico Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, GBE, KCB, DSO, MC, sirvi en ambas guerras mundiales y con considerable eficacia como comandante de brigada, cuerpo y luego ejrcito en el mbito europ ... Leer más
Against the Odds 55: Lees Greatest Victory
The Chancellorsville campaign, which took place in and around Virginias Wilderness in May 1863, is considered by many to be Robert E. Lees masterpiece, a true triumph against the odds. Opposing ... Leer más
Against the Odds 57: A Crowning Glory: Austerlitz 1805
Even weeks before Trafalgar, by August 1805 the newly crowned Emperor Napoleon Ier, had come to understand his plans required action on land. More specifically, he had to defeat his con ... Leer más
Against the Odds 59: Blind Faith
In A.D. 1415, at the Council of Constance, Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague, two church reformers from Bohemia, were burnt at the stake for heresy. In the years that followed, outrage over the execution convuls ... Leer más
Against the Odds Annual 2011: Beyond Waterloo.
Another Waterloo game?
Not exactly. And much more.
While most Waterloo games either lock players into the circumstances of that famous battle, or give some small leeway into the overal ... Leer más
Against the Odds Annual 2012: Forlorn Hopes
La historia de la 2 Guerra Mundial sigue un patrn tanto en el teatro de operaciones europeo como en el Pacfico. Constante expansin del Eje, seguido por una contraccin estable del Eje al recapturar l ... Leer más
Against the Odds Annual 2014: Set Europe Ablaze
There were mixed feelings among the few people in the British government or military high command who heard of Churchill establishing the SOE -- Special Operations Executive HQ. While many approved of ... Leer más
Against the Odds Annual 2016: Confederate Rails
In the spring of 1861 the American Railroad Journal predicted that the majority of the railroads would be unaffected by the Civil War, a mistaken prophecy, indeed.
Confederate Rails, designe ... Leer más
Against the Odds Annual 2018: Sea Monsters!
"Sea Monsters!" offers four complete naval simulations that will provide hours of challenging play and comparison.
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Against the Odds Annual 2019: La Vendee
This area movement game by designer John Poniske depicts the first Royalist rising in 1793, centering on the White players attempt to capture and hold Republican forts. If all goes wel ... Leer más
ASL Journal 13
ASL Journal 13 is a 52-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features articles, the latest errata and scenario updates in the Debriefing, 33 new scenarios printed on cardstock (including four pocket scenarios, with the ... Leer más
ATS TT Cassino I: Gustav Graveyard
The Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) returns to Snakeshead Ridge near Cassino, Italy for more intense squad level action on one of historys most rugged battlefields. American and Commonwealth soldiers (includi ... Leer más
17,99 € - 15% = 15,29 €


Balaclava: Breaking the Siege, 25 October 1854 (Mini Series)
La campaa anglo-francesa-turca de Crimea giraba en torno al asedio de Sebastopol mientras se defenda de un ejrcito de campo ruso que rondaba cerca. En octubre, los rusos se a ... Leer más
Battles of the Scheldt (Folio Series)
Battle of the Scheldt: The Devils Moat (Folio Series)
The Battle of the Scheldt covers the fighting between the First Canadian Army and the Fifteenth German Army in November 1944. The Canadians had to clear ... Leer más
C3i n30
Featuring award-winning designer Mark Hermans standalone game "South Pacific," throwing you into the fight between the Allies and Imperial Japanese forces near the Bismarck Barrier during 1942-1943.
Issue 30 is also packed full of arti ... Leer más
C3i n32
A short description of what each article in this issue covers
Disaster on the DnieperNew Scenarios for Ukraine43 by Trevor Bender: Trevor Bender returns to further dissect what makes a counterfactual scenario work, introduce ... Leer más
C3i n33
Close to 100 pages of content:
67-page magazine
24-page rulebook and playthrough manual
The Waterloo Campaign 1815, the second volume of the C3i Series, designed by Mark Herman (including 22x34" map and counters)
Articles on ... Leer más
C3i n36
Articles on board games Pacific War, Twilight Struggle: Red Sea, Blind Swords, Baetis Campaign, and more!
Inserts for SPQR Variant (Skirmishers, Velites and Light Troops Revisited)
COLLECTORS EDITION packages the above in a secure, ... Leer más
C3i n37
Articles on board games Empire of the Sun, Battle of Castulo (GBoH), Red Flags Over Paris and more!
Inserts for the C3i exclusive variant of Red Flags Over Paris, Baetis Campaign, Spanish Road
Dan Fournies long awaited "Baetis Cam ... Leer más
Air War Over the Solomons
The island of Guadalcanal in the South Pacific was the base for American aircraft squadrons that engaged Japanese Navy and Army air forces over the Solomons. Those squadrons became known as the Cactus Air Force (f ... Leer más