Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
SpaceCorp: Ventures
SpaceCorp: Ventures is the first module for SpaceCorp, the game of exploring and developing the Solar System and beyond. SpaceCorp: Ventures introduces unique enterprises via fourteen HQ mats, ... Leer más
Spruance Leader: Allies Expansion
Spruance Leader focuses on commanding and managing a US Navy Carrier Battle Group in the Cold War setting of the 80s and 90s, simulating major naval conflicts in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The Allies Ex ... Leer más
Stalingrad 42 Expansion
Little Saturn/Winter Storm adds a 5th scenario to Stalingrad 42 covering the period from December 14th through February 5th, 1943. The scenario starts with the Soviets launching a major attack against the Italians along the ... Leer más
Stalingrad Besieged
STALINGRAD BESIEGED is a game that allows 1 to 2 gamers to refight the campaign for Stalingrad in 1942, IN THREE DIFFERENT WAYS; CARDS, BLOCKS, OR COUNTERS. The game plays in 1 hour or less.
The game depicts the battle in ... Leer más
Ardennes II
Ardennes II is a Standard Combat Series reissuing of the award-winning game Ardennes from 1993 using the additional research available in the BCS game Last Blitzkrieg. Like its predecessor, it covers the German Wacht am Rhein off ... Leer más
Storm Above the Reich
Storm Above the Reich is a solitaire game depicting a Luftwaffe squadron of Fw190s struggling to deter and destroy the relentless daylight raids over Germany during World War Two. The players indiv ... Leer más
Storm Over Asia: A Prequel to a World at War
Storm Over Asia is both a companion game to GMTs A World at War and Gathering Storm, and is a game in its own right, with its own victory conditions. Starting in 1935, Japan, China, Britai ... Leer más
Storms in the East, Tali Ihanthala 1944, Turda 1944
June 1944 marked the beginning of one of the greatest battles on Scandinavian soil, Tali-Ihantala. Stalin gave the order to finish up with Finland in order to concentrate on Operation Bagra ... Leer más
Struggle for Europe 1939-1945
STRUGGLE FOR EUROPE 1939 1945 is a card driven, card destruction game on a large game board. Modifying concepts from LINCOLN, TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, and others. Gamers will be able to play World War II in Europe in unde ... Leer más
Stuka Leader: What If? Expansion
What if the amazing aircraft Germany had on the drawing boards were available to turn the tide?
3 new campaigns
4 new targets
4 new Aircraft
3 new Bandits
2 new Bombers (including ... Leer más
Successors Cuarta Edicin
Edicin ntegra en Espaol
Te encuentras en una agradable alcoba en una de las salas del palacio de Nabocodonosor II. Babilonia est ardiendo bajo el sol de finales de la primavera, pero los acontecimientos qu ... Leer más
Sword & Faith / Foi et le glaive, La (Faith and the Gladius)
It is a game for six players which combines diplomatic negotiation, warfare, and religious strife. Each player represents one of the primary religions of the seventh century AD: Western C ... Leer más
SWWaS: Fleets of the Second Great War: Imperial Russia
In our own reality, the First World War lasted for over four years, killing millions amid vast destruction and the fall of Eastern Europes great empires. In our Second Great War alterna ... Leer más
SWWAS: Tropic of Capricorn
In late 1916, Woodrow Wilson attempted to bring an end to the First World War. He failed.
In another reality, he succeeded. The great empires survived, yet the peace proved flawed and world-wide war returned in ... Leer más
Realiza tu reserva sin compromiso!
Bienvenido al Tercio Viejo!
Soy vuestro Sargento Mayor. Vuestra merced est a punto de embarcarse en la aventura del Camino Espaol. Como buen hijodalgo, prepare su acero toledano y lustre ... Leer más
Tactical Combat Series: Goose Green
Goose Green is a Tactical Combat Series (TCS) game covering the first land battle of the Falklands War on May 28, 1982. The outcome of this engagement was crucial for both the Argentinians and the British ... Leer más
La Bataille de Ligny 2nd Edition
La Bataille de Ligny, 2nd Edition is a complete graphic and rule upgrade of the original version in 1991.
It continues the venerable Les Batailles dans Lage LEmpereur Napoleon 1er Series and will be as visually ... Leer más
Tactical Napoleonics: La Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean
Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The battle of Belle Alliance.
This is the complete version that have everything you need to play
C ... Leer más
Precio: 88,25 € - 25% = 66,75 €
Tactical Napoleonics: La Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean (Expansion Kit)
Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The battle of Belle Alliance.
You must own La Bataille de Ligny and La Bataille des Q ... Leer más
Tank Duel Expansion #1: North Africa
Tank Duel Expansion #1: North Africa takes the popular Tank Duel system to the desert! North Africa introduces new desert terrain and rules for dust, deep sand, armored cars, heat and haze, and more. British an ... Leer más
Tank Duel Tank Pack #1
Tank Duel Tank Pack #1 adds 8 new tanks to the popular Tank Duel system. These tanks can be mixed with the existing tanks and used in scenarios from both Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs and Tank Duel Expansion #1: North Af ... Leer más
Tanto Monta El Auge de Isabel y Fernando 1470-1516 (Edicion en Espaol)
Tanto Monta: el Auge de Fernando e Isabel abarca la cumbre de la Edad del Descubrimiento, desde 1470 hasta 1516, y coincide con los primeros aos del perio ... Leer más
Precio: 104,5 € - 20% = 83,65 €
Tanto Monta: The Rise of Ferdinand and Isabella (English Edition)
1469The Iberian Peninsula has been splintered into numerous caliphates and kingdoms over the last 700 years. Warfarepart of the desperate competition between Christian and Muslim f ... Leer más
Tarawa 1943
Tarawa 1943 is a solitaire, card driven game on the invasion of Japanese controlled Tarawa by the 2nd Marine Division. Join the 2nd Marine Division as you storm the beaches of Tarawa. Japanese commander Shibazaki and his men have ... Leer más
Territories in Flames Collectors Edition
Territories in Flames is Australian Design Groups newest World in Flames Collectors edition expansion that dramatically expands the scope of World in Flames in all those parts of the globe that were vital ... Leer más
Tetrarchia 2 Edicin
Hacia el final del siglo III antes de Cristo, el cnsul romano Marco Claudio Marcelo fue apodado "La Espada de Roma" por sus hazaas en las guerras contra los Galos y los Cartagineses. Cinco siglos despus, hacia el ... Leer más
Texas Glory 1835-36. En 1835 Texas luch por lograr la independencia de Mxico. El dictador mexicano, Santa Anna, respondi en 1836 reconquistando el Alamo e invadiendo la mayor parte de Texas hasta que l fuera capturado en la batalla de Jacinto San. ... Leer más
The Barracks Emperors
The Barracks Emperors is a strategy card game set against the backdrop of the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, during which at least 45 different men made a claim to the throne of the Roman Empire. In this game, 1- ... Leer más
The Battle for Normandy: Expansion
Este set de expansion para The Battle for Normandy permite a los jugadores expander la campaa hasta el final de Agosto, pero sobre todo incluye la zona para los escenarios Mortain y Falaise Pocket.
Se incluyen ... Leer más