Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
On To Richmond II: The Union Strikes South
On to Richmond II: The Union Strikes South covers some of the most famous campaigns of the Civil War in a single module for the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. Two ... Leer más
Gettysburg Deluxe Edition
Gettysburg is arguably the defining battle of the Civil War. Mark Hermans design boiled down the history and action of this battle to its essence in C3i Nr 32, and is now available in a Deluxe Edition.
Featuring ... Leer más
Great War at Sea High Seas Fleet Second Edition
During the brief period between 1906 and 1914, so the story goes, Britain and Germany engaged in a furious naval arms race sparked by the launch of the Royal Navys revolutionary battleship Dreadnough ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Jutland Dogger Bank
The 1916 Battle of Jutland was not the only action on the North Sea during the Great War. The battle cruisers of Britains Grand Fleet and Germanys High Seas Fleet met in the February 1915 Battle of Dogger Bank ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Rise of the Dragon
In 1907, the Imperial Chinese Navy proposed a new building program to provide three regional fleets, each built around a new modern battleship. Two years later a naval commission headed by the Regents bro ... Leer más
Great War at Sea Russo-Japanese War Playbook Edition
Japan entered the modern age in 1868, with a new young emperor determined to make his island nation a world power. After decades of steady progress, Japan began its own practice of colonialism, d ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: South China Sea
Fleets are usually built with one purpose in mind: to protect their owners maritime trade, and deny such trade to their nations enemies. The United States and Great Britain gave great thought to how they would pr ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Red
"We would as soon fight the British as the Germans."
Admiral William Shepherd Benson, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, 1917
Rivalry between the U.S. and Great Britain didnt end with the War of ... Leer más
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Scarlet. En las primeras dcadas del siglo 20, la Marina estadounidense hizo proyectos para luchar con muchos enemigos potenciales. Plan Rojo, la estrategia para guerra con Gran Bretaa, incluye subproyectos para confl ... Leer más
Grochow 1831
Grochow 1831 covers fours battles of the Polish November Uprising, the war between Kingdom of Poland (an autonomical part of Russia after the Vienna Congress) and the Empire of Russian.
The First Battle of Wawer was fought on ... Leer más
Guerra fronteriza - Frontier Wars
Conduce a tu ejrcito a la victoria en este juego de estrategia con 100 miniaturas. Lidera una de las facciones de la 2 GM.
Rugen los motores y los pilotos se aprestan a subir a sus aviones. Hileras de ... Leer más
Guerra Fronteriza: Expansion Francia Japon
Dos nuevas facciones muy diferentes para GUERRA FRONTERIZA el juego de mesa: Japn y Francia, cada una representada por sus 25 miniaturas, adems de poder jugar a 5 y 6 jugadores. En esta expansin ... Leer más
GWaS: Zeppelins, 2nd Edition
For a brief period, Ferdinand Graf Zeppelins giant gas-filled airships ruled the worlds skies. Though conceived as passenger craft, during the First World War rigid and semi-rigid airships performed long-range ... Leer más
Hammer of the Scots (Espaol)
Un juego de bloques para 2 jugadores a partir de 12 aos de edad y con una duracin de entre 120-180 min. que trata de las guerras de independencia escocesas. Un jugador tomar el control de las tropas escocesas ... Leer más
Hands in the Sea
Hands in the Sea es un juego para 2 jugadores que trata sobre la guerra entre Roma y Cartago para el control de Sicilia, Cerdea y Crcega entre los aos 264 y 241 AC. Se trata de un juego de acciones, las cuales se realizan ... Leer más
Precio: 99,99 € - 10% = 89,99 €
Hannibal y Hamilcar - Roma contra Cartago Edicin 20 Aniversario (Anibal y Amilcar)
Anbal es uno de los mejores ttulos jams publicados para dos jugadores. Una combinacin perfecta de intensidad y equilibrio entre ambas potencias. El desarrollo d ... Leer más
Hastings 1066
This game is part of the Break the Line Series. This fast playing card game for 2 players lets you refight this important battle from history.
Two players battle each other by aligning their cards that represent their troops ... Leer más
Heart of Darkness
Mid 19th Century Exploration of Africa
This is a game of adventure and exploration where you, together with five other players, venture into deepest Africa. The time period is mid-19th century and you start ... Leer más
Hearts and Minds - 1965 To 1975 (Tercera Edicin) Espaol
Vietnam, 1965. Estados Unidos despliega tropas de combate en Vietnam del Sur y se inician las operaciones Rolling Thunder, Steel Tiger y Market Time. Los aliados construyen puertos ... Leer más
Here I Stand 500th Anniversary 2nd Reprint (2024)
Primer juego en ms de 25 aos que trata sobre los conflictos polticos y religiosos de la primera mitad del s. XVI en Europa.
Cuesta creer que los grandes hechos de Martn Lutero, Juan Calvino, ... Leer más
Heroes of North Africa: Battle Generator
Heroes of North Africa Battle Generator puts the power to create scenarios and engagements into the players hands, allowing you to get the most out of your game as you go from scenarios we built to c ... Leer más
Heroes of the Falklands X-Maps
What are the X-Maps you ask? X-Maps simply put are larger maps able to be used with our Lock n Load Tactical game series. X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger he ... Leer más
Heroic Stand Series: Rorkes Drift
One of the most famous battles of the Zulu war, a small band of British defended against thousands of Zulu warriors. Watch for Zulu Snipers! Fall Back to gain strategic advantages! Hold the position to ea ... Leer más
Heroic Stand Series: The Alamo
Can you defend the Alamo against the overwhelming Mexican forces? Use your Crockett cards wisely to defeat the attackers! Hold the Alamo and become a hero of the Mexican war.
(Febr ... Leer más
Heroic Stand Series: Thermopylae
Commonly known as the Stand of the 300, Thermopylae was an amazing battle. The Persian Empire troops, led by Xerxes I, faced 300 Greek forces, led by the Spartans, led by Leonidas. Are you able to hold off ... Leer más
Hidden Strike American Revolution
Hidden Strike: American Revolution recreates the struggle between the American colonists and the British forces during the War of Independence. Each side tries to win the war by controlling a major ... Leer más
Hindenburgs Hour: The Tannenberg Campaign 1914 (Solitaire)
"You are assigned a new and difficult task I know no other man in which I have such limitless faith as I have in you. Perhaps you will still be able to save the day in the east Th ... Leer más
Holanda 44 Deluxe (Espaol)
Esta edicin Deluxe incluye el Escenario Norte y las localizaciones de salto alternativas publicadas originalmente en la revista C3i
Holanda 44 es un juego para dos jugadores que ... Leer más
Holland 44: Operation Market-Garden 2nd Edition
Holland 44 is a two-player game depicting the Allies combined ground and airborne attack in the Netherlands during WWII, which was code named Operation Market-Garden.
The game starts with the air ... Leer más